Tiger Brands delivered an improved financial performance for the six months ended 31 March 2021. The performance was supported by strong revenue growth in the first quarter of the financial year.
Whilst we are confident that operating income will show improvement in the second six months, relative to both the second half of 2020 as well as the second half of 2019, the environment remains one of the most challenging experienced in recent years.
Earnings per share (EPS) from continuing operations increased by 126% to 755 cents (2020: 333 cents) whilst headline earnings per share (HEPS) from continuing operations increased by 21% to 741 cents (2020: 613 cents).
Tiger Brands Limited
(Tiger Brands or the company)
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Share code: TBS
ISIN: ZAE000071080
- Unaudited group results and dividend declaration
- Interim condensed consolidated income statement
- Interim condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income
- Interim condensed consolidated statement of financial position
- Interim condensed consolidated statement of cash flows
- Other salient features
- Interim condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity
- Interim condensed consolidated segmental information
- Presentation
- Webcast