Tiger Brands’ full year results impacted by the unbundling of the company’s interest in Oceana Group Limited (Oceana), the challenging operating environment and a slower than anticipated recovery in the Value Added Meat Products (VAMP) business.

In a year that has been catastrophic for many businesses in South Africa, Tiger Brands has been in the fortunate position of playing a pivotal role in ensuring food supply during the initial lockdown periods.


Tiger Brands’ earnings for the year ended 30 September 2020 were impacted by the ongoing difficulty of maintaining margins in a tough trading environment compounded by the challenges of Covid-19.


Tiger Brands Limited
("Tiger Brands" or "the company")
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Share code: TBS
ISIN: ZAE000071080
Registration number: 1944/017881/06

Company info

Tiger Brands Limited
("Tiger Brands" or "the company")
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Share code: TBS
ISIN: ZAE000071080
Registration number: 1944/017881/06

Independent non-executive directors
KDK Mokhele (chairman), GJ Fraser-Moleketi (chairman designate, appointed 1 September 2020), MO Ajukwu, MJ Bowman, I Burton (appointed 3 August 2020), CH Fernandez, GA Klintworth, M Makanjee, TE Mashilwane, MP Nyama, M Sello, OM Weber (appointed 3 August 2020), DG Wilson

Executive directors
NP Doyle (chief executive officer, appointed 1 February 2020), DS Sita (chief financial officer, appointed 1 October 2020)

Company secretary
JK Monaisa

Registered office
3010 William Nicol Drive

Postal address
PO Box 78056, Sandton, 2146
Telephone: +27 11 840 4000

Ernst & Young Inc.

Principal banker
Nedbank Limited

JP Morgan Equities South Africa (Pty) Limited

South African share transfer secretaries
Computershare Investor Services Proprietary Limited
Rosebank Towers, 15 Biermann Avenue
Rosebank, 2196
Private Bag X9000, Saxonwold, 2132

American Depository Receipt (ADR) facility
ADR Administrator
The Bank of New York Mellon

Investor relations
Nikki Catrakilis-Wagner
Erene Kairuz
Telephone: +27 11 840 4000

Website address

Contact details
Consumer helpline: 0860 005342