Tiger Brands Limited

Sustainablility report


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Eat Well Live Well (EWLW) is helping consumers make healthier food and product choices, and positioning Tiger Brands as a leading voice and trusted partner on health and nutrition in South Africa.

We have repositioned key brands and products in relation to their flagship health and nutrition attributes, and introduced clear and simple on-product health claims for Jungle (heart health), Ace breakfast porridge (immunity), Brookes Low-Cal (low-kilojoule) and Albany Low GI (for sustained energy).

Over the last two years, we have released two EWLW state of nutrition reports to create awareness around the challenges to health and wellbeing in South Africa, and to build understanding of what constitutes balanced nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. In May 2022, we launched two easy-to-understand nutritional guidebooks that address portion control and demystify on-pack nutritional guidelines for consumers. The development of the EWLW nutritional guidebooks were done in consultation with the Association for Dietetics in South Africa (ADSA). We shared the guidebooks with 100 dietitians at the Nutritional Solutions CNE Conference in August 2022, and continue to market these free nutritional guidebooks directly to the public on social media. We have engaged with the National Department of Basic Education (DBE) on the use of the guidebooks in education, and hope to reach 600 school teachers through the “Educator” conference in 2023. All EWLW resources are available at   www.ewlw.co.za

We have strengthened our focus on health and nutrition marketing. A key highlight has been the activation of EWLW and several of our “good-for-you” brands through successful media campaigns that have reached millions in South Africa via TV, radio, and social media channels. Our key campaigns include the KOO “Colour Your Plate” TV show which is back for a second season; the EWLW “28 Days to Health” challenge video series with popular comedian Trevor Gumbi; and the Morvite “Laugh with Skhumba” radio show, and “Shintsa with Skhumba” social media campaign. We spent R76 million on marketing health and nutrition products in 2022, amounting to 10,2% of our total marketing spend. We spent R3,3 million on direct EWLW marketing.


Tiger Brands launched Eat Well Live Well (EWLW) in 2009 to help South Africans make healthier food choices for a better life on a budget. We refreshed the initiative in 2020 to help drive our health and nutrition strategy, and create better alignment with our purpose to nourish and nurture more lives every day. Through EWLW, we are promoting consumer health and nutrition awareness, and establishing a nutrition science “centre of excellence” within Tiger Brands that can both drive the development of our health and nutrition portfolio, and support consumers and other key stakeholders as a trusted healthy-eating education partner in South Africa. The EWLW stamp-of-approval provides a “healthier choice” endorsement, and the EWLW and Be-Nutrient-Wise guideline daily amount (GDA) nutrition-labelling system helps consumers be mindful of their daily nutrient intake and make more informed product choices. The EWLW website provides a digital reference for healthy living, and a portal to access guidance from our nutritionist. All EWLW research and resources are available for free download, and we are active on social media. Visit the website at  www.ewlw.co.za