Tiger Brands Limited

Sustainablility report


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Tiger Brands is committed to building an ethical and sustainable supply-chain that adheres to the highest moral, legal, ethical and environmental standards. We strive for integrity and responsibility in all our sourcing, procurement and supplier-related dealings.

Over the last two years, there has been significant change in the global supply chain, due to the impacts of Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine. This has resulted in global shortages of commodities and ingredients that are important for our business. We have needed to react fast to these changes to keep our operations running, and so our sourcing and procurement practices have been far more reactionary in nature. This has made making planned and strategic progress in ethical sourcing and preferential procurement more difficult, see enhanced livelihoods.


Ethical sourcing is a key tenet of our commercial processes and is subject to continuous improvement as we refine our supply chains. We learn and drive improvements in our approach by participating in dialogues and building relationships with potential partners. We engage with government on key issues and legislative developments, and participate in facilitated discussions through forums created by organisations such as the National Business Initiative (NBI), Consumer Goods Council of South Africa (CGCSA), World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), and UNICEF.

Our key policies

  • Procurement policy
  • Preferential procurement policy
  • Supplier management policy
  • Ethical sourcing policy

Our ethical sourcing policy, approved by the board in 2018, is an uncompromising commitment to working with our suppliers to build a sustainable future anchored in sound governance. The policy encompasses the responsibilities of our staff and our suppliers to mitigate supply chain risk and build consumer and stakeholder trust. The policy directly aligns with our code and all other ethics policies, and explicitly integrates and articulates the key ethical principles to be adhered to, including but not limited to: human rights and labour practices see ethical behaviour), preferential procurement see enhanced livelihoods, and environmental protection see energy and climate change. Our ethical sourcing policy is available at www.tigerbrands.com


We currently work with our suppliers to protect human rights, uphold fair labour practices, tackle plastic packaging waste, promote animal welfare and source sustainable palm-oil and cocoa. We aim to engage our suppliers more consistently and work together more closely to graduate our standards, and advance and assure our ethical supply chain practices in respect to environmental, social and governance related concerns.

We select new suppliers and routinely assess existing suppliers against supplier risk specifications relating to financial management, criminal activity, human rights (including child and forced labour), labour relations, wage, safety, quality, social, environmental, and compliance practices (including accreditations). All our suppliers are requested to sign an annual commitment of compliance to our ethical sourcing policy, including a signed human rights declaration in line with our human rights policy see ethical behaviour. We have zero tolerance for non-conformance with our requirements. In the case that we become aware of any significant issues or misconduct by a supplier, we engage the supplier with the intent to resolve the issue, may initiate a supplier audit, and possibly, where appropriate, cancel contracts and find alternative suppliers. Our process for obtaining and tracking the ethical sourcing declaration with our suppliers is currently very manual, and we plan to digitise the process in the next few years.

In recent years, we have focused on strengthening the integration of food safety and quality see food safety and quality, and fraud risk see ethical behaviour due-diligence processes into our risk and internal auditing processes, for our own operations and suppliers. Going forward, we plan to strengthen these processes in relation to human rights and environment-related aspects.

Our current engagement on agricultural practice in our supply chain, for example, is primarily governed by the imperative to produce products that are safe, meet all regulatory requirements, and fulfil our high standards for quality.

Palm-oil and cocoa (liquor and butter) are important ingredients in our chocolate business. We are concerned about deforestation, loss of biodiversity, and the use of peat lands in the production of these forest commodities. To address this, we set caveats on our sourcing of these raw materials that foreground traceability and sustainable certification. This safeguard provides some assurance that our supply chains for palm-oil and cocoa are anchored by the principles and standards of sustainable production. Our preferred suppliers Cargill, Guan Chong, Barry Callebaut and Olam have programmes in place to lift farmers out of poverty, eradicate child labour, become carbon and forest positive, and source sustainable ingredients. All our suppliers are members of the International Cocoa Organization (ICCO), Fairtrade and the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (Sedex) and are audited on a regular basis by these bodies to ensure compliance.

PESTICIDES AND HERBICIDES   We maintain a comprehensive system of controls and processes to ensure the highest level of product quality and safety for food products and fresh produce. Only agriculturists accredited through the Association of Veterinary and Crop Associations of South Africa (AVCASA) and Bemestingadviseurs Sertifisering en Opleidingskema (Fertiliser Advisors Certification and Education Scheme) (BASOS) can give active technical advice on registered chemicals and fertilisers. All our fresh produce is tested for chemicals and residue before acceptance
GENETICALLY MODIFIED (GM) CROPS   We exclude GM ingredients from all Purity baby maize porridge and baby cereals food products
SOIL QUALITY   We source fresh produce from farmers who practise crop-rotation and cover-cropping to manage soil quality through the control of soil-related diseases, building soil-carbon and retaining soil moisture
ANIMAL WELFARE   We require adherence to best practice in the rearing, transporting, and slaughtering of livestock, including for dairy, chickens and eggs, where these are used as ingredients in our products
DEFORESTATION   We encourage procurement to source and use Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified paper suppliers and products for all packaging and internal-use requirements. All our Jungle Oats boxes are manufactured with FSC certified paper
SUSTAINABLE SEAFOOD   Where seafood (predominantly pilchards) is used in one of our products, we expect our suppliers to source from responsibly managed fisheries


In 2022, we unfortunately did not complete our ethical sourcing declaration process, due to a lack of capacity in our procurement department as we struggled to fill vacancies this year. We will resume our ethical declaration process in 2023.

Number of notifications sent 641 705 208
Percentage spend covered by notifications (%) 98 91 73
Number of acknowledgements received 390 350 141
Percentage acknowledgements received (%) 61 49 68
Total spend covered by acknowledgements (R billion) 7,3 9,3 5,2
Percentage spend covered by acknowledgements 60 61 43

* The ethical sourcing declaration was not completed in 2022.