for the year ended 30 September 2024

Five-year review

(R’million) 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020
Consolidated income statements          
Revenue 37 662 37 389 34 029 30 954 29 796
Profit before taxation, income from associates, non-operational items and impairments 2 814 2 864 3 424 2 180 2 319
Income from associates 724 697 478 346 352
Non-operational items and impairments 216 (10) 12 (127) (451)
Profit before taxation 3 755 3 551 3 915 2 399 2 220
Taxation (799) (817) (1 020) (597) (727)
Profit for the year from continuing operations 2 955 2 734 2 895 1 802 1 493
Attributable to:          
Owners of the parent – continuing operations 2 926 2 697 2 865 1 773 1 467
Non-controlling interests – continuing operations 29 37 31 29 26
Consolidated statements of financial position          
Property, plant and equipment 6 108 6 102 5 817 5 572 5 059
Goodwill and intangible assets 3 021 3 061 3 042 3 040 2 943
Investments 3 951 3 708 2 987 3 047 2 855
Current assets 13 303 12 922 12 196 11 198 10 618
Assets classified as held for sale 41 419
Total assets 26 422 25 793 24 043 22 857 21 894
Issued capital and reserves before share-based payment reserve 17 466 16 578 14 856 14 915 14 941
Share-based payment reserve 513 526 753 700 687
Non-controlling interests 217 200 142 147 159
Net deferred taxation liability 335 279 206 150 337
Provision for post-retirement medical aid 251 238 323 564 518
Long-term borrowings 303 1 211 326 399 197
Current liabilities 7 337 6 761 7 436 5 983 4 752
Liabilities classified as held for sale 304
Total equity and liabilities 26 422 25 793 24 043 22 857 21 894
Consolidated cash flow statements          
Cash operating profit after interest and taxation 3 625 3 248 3 248 3 072 2 438
Working capital changes 735 (1 561) (1 587) 110 (53)
Dividends received 229 247 372 115 106
Cash available from operations 4 589 1 934 2 033 3 297 2 491
Dividends and capital distributions paid (1 641) (1 564) (1 386) (1 684) (740)
Net cash flow from operating activities 2 948 370 647 1 613 1 751
Net cash flow from investing activities (665) (1 144) (1 041) (856) (797)
Net cash flow before financing activities 2 284 (774) (394) 757 812
Net cash flow from financing activities (1 687) 489 (655) (245) (246)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 596 (285) (1 049) 512 566