Supplement to the integrated annual report for the year ended 30 September 2024

Who we are

Tiger Brands is one of Africa’s largest listed manufacturers of fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG). Our core business is the manufacture, marketing and distribution of everyday branded food and beverages.

Our products are relevant across every meal occasion and are well-positioned to grow. The portfolio also includes leading brands in the home and personal care segments, supported by a growing presence in Africa.


Growing southern Africa’s leading consumer goods company that places the consumer at the centre of everything, through our people, with the most accessible loved brands.


We nourish and nurture more lives every day.


Sustainable profitable growth and market leadership.

Leadership review

Leader 1

Tjaart Kruger

Chief executive officer

Tiger Brands has focused on executing its turnaround strategy while remaining attuned to the sustainability-related expectations of our key stakeholders.

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Leader 2

Emma Mashilwane

SETCO chairman

Welcome to the Tiger Brands sustainability report 2024, intended for stakeholders interested in our sustainability strategy and how we manage our impact on society and the environment.

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2024 sustainability performance summary

  • Launched KOO Dry Pulses and Ace Baby in spoutless pouches as affordable healthy options
  • Scaled our core healthier product innovations with a focus on Jungle Corn Flakes and Bran Flakes
  • Promoted consumer health awareness through Jungle, Ace, Morvite, Albany, KOO and Energade
  • R84 million spent on marketing health and nutrition products, representing 8% of total marketing spend
  • Level 2 B-BBEE contributor
  • R104 million Dipuno ESD Fund
  • R54,4 million disbursed through the Dipuno ESD Fund
  • R14,3 billion spent with B-BBEE-verified suppliers
  • R5,4 billion spent with black-owned enterprises
  • R4,7 billion spent with black women-owned enterprises
  • R28,8 million SED spend
  • 90 723 food hampers distributed to 64 556 beneficiaries
  • 14 million breakfasts served to 74 465 learners through The Tiger Brands Foundation
  • 9,1% annual decrease in total scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions (tCO2e)
  • 0,5% annual decrease in GHG emissions intensity (CO2/tonne)
  • 6% annual decrease in total electricity consumption
  • 2,7% increase in electrical energy intensity (kWh/tonne)
  • 5% annual decrease in total water consumption
  • 3,8% increase in freshwater intensity (kl/tonne)
  • 11,9% annual decrease in waste-to-landfill intensity (kg/tonne)
  • 10,2% annual increase in food loss and waste
  • One fatality from a route-to-market incident
  • 0,19 LTIFR, with a 23,6% annual decrease in LTIs
  • R4,5 billion paid in salaries and benefits to 8 771 permanent employees
  • R73,5 million invested in employee training and development
  • 64% ACI representation at senior management and 58% at top management
  • 40% female representation at senior management and 25% at top management