(R’million) 2020 2019  
Consolidated income statements          
Revenue 29 796 28 579   28 365     31 298    30 588    
Profit before taxation, income from associates, abnormal items and impairments 2 561 3 193   3 271     4 317    3 941    
Income from associates 352 371   731     533    861    
Abnormal items and impairments (693) 1 762   (620)    (583)   (324)   
Profit before taxation 2 220 5 326   3 382     4 267    4 478    
Taxation (727) (965)  (835)    (1 234)   (1 209)   
Profit for the year from continuing operations 1 493 4 361   2 547     3 033    3 269    
Attributable to:          
Owners of the parent – continuing operations 1 467 4 333   2 520     3 011    3 243    
Non-controlling interests – continuing operations 26 28   27     22    26    
Consolidated statements of financial position          
Property, plant and equipment 5 059 4 976   4 599     4 588    4 542    
Goodwill and intangible assets 2 943 3 221   3 447     3 597    3 941    
Investments 2 855 2 732   5 102     4 720    4 905    
Current assets 11 035 11 213   10 764     10 665    11 099    
Assets classified as held for sale 419 24   –     365    –    
Total assets 22 311 22 166   23 912     23 935    24 487    
Issued capital and reserves before share‑based payment reserve 14 941 14 612   16 691     16 244    15 059    
Share-based payment reserve 687 632   611     560    489    
Non-controlling interests 159 163   163     257    487    
Deferred taxation liability 337 402   354     304    211    
Provision for post-retirement medical aid 518 583   618     619    666    
Long-term borrowings 197 –   74     2    1 069    
Current liabilities 5 168 5 625   5 401     5 776    6 506    
Liabilities classified as held for sale 304 149   –     173    –    
Total equity and liabilities 22 311 22 166   23 912     23 935    24 487    
Consolidated cash flow statements          
Cash operating profit after interest and taxation 2 297 2 528   2 998     4 024    3 432    
Working capital changes (53) 91   (573)    745    (604)   
Dividends received 106 282   179     350    406    
Cash available from operations 2 350 2 901   2 604     5 119    3 234    
Dividends and capital distributions paid (741) (2 284)  (1 855)    (1 834)   (1 661)   
Net cash flow from operating activities 1 609 617   749     3 285    1 573    
Net cash flow from investing activities (797) (33)  (599)    (803)   115    
Net cash flow before financing activities 812 584   150     2 482    1 688    
Net cash flow from financing activities (246) (100)  (2)    (1 140)   (562)   
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 566 484   148     1 342    1 126    
º Restated as required by IFRS 5 in relation to the treatment of Value Added Meat Products (VAMP), a division of Tiger Consumer Brands Limited (Domestic operations – Consumer Brands – Food) as a discontinued operation. Refer to note 33.