Company |
Group |
2020 |
2019 |
(R’million) |
Note |
2020 |
2019 |
94,0 |
4 546,0 |
Profit for the year |
1 039,9 |
3 890,8 |
(1,4) |
(3,3) |
Other comprehensive income/(loss), net of tax |
111,1 |
(397,6) |
Net gain on hedge of net investment in foreign operation1 |
28,7 |
5,5 |
Foreign currency translation (FCTR) adjustments1 |
56,3 |
(23,7) |
Share of associates other comprehensive
income/(loss) and FCTR1 |
46,2 |
(389,0) |
Net (loss)/gain on cash flow hedges1 |
(18,7) |
3,9 |
(1,4) |
(3,3) |
Net loss on FVOCI* financial assets1 |
(46,0) |
(21,6) |
Remeasurement raised in terms of IAS 19R2 |
58,6 |
54,6 |
Tax effect |
22 |
(14,0) |
(27,3) |
92,6 |
4 542,7 |
Total comprehensive income for the year, net of tax |
1 151,0 |
3 493,2 |
Attributable to: |
92,6 |
4 542,7 |
Owners of the parent |
1 104,8 |
3 465,9 |
Non-controlling interests |
46,2 |
27,3 |
92,6 |
4 542,7 |
1 151,0 |
3 493,2 |