Material inputs
Our actions to sustain value
Outcomes of our activitiesGenerally positive relations across stakeholder groups, reflected by:
Continuing concerns in certain areas
Challenges in securing inputs
Material inputs
Our actions to sustain value
Outcomes of our activitiesInvestment in talent and personal development
Progress in promoting employee diversity
Board diversity
Improvements in employee health and safety
Challenges in securing inputs
Material inputs
Our actions to sustain value
Outcomes of our activitiesSustained a strong brand presence
Challenges in securing inputs
Material inputs
Our actions to sustain value
Outcomes of our activitiesContinued investment in plant and equipment
Some challenges remain
Challenges in securing inputs
Material inputs
Our actions to sustain value
Outcomes of our activities
Challenges in securing inputs
Invested capital adjusted to exclude re-instated goodwill on discontinued businesses
Material inputs
Our actions to sustain value
Outcomes of our activitiesSome progress in mitigating impacts
Challenges remain in certain areas
Challenges in securing inputs