Our value contribution in 2024
The value created, preserved or eroded for our stakeholders in 2024

Evidence of our turnaround strategy and new operating model are beginning to take effect, with stronger second-half performance under difficult trading conditions
R37,7 billion
2023: R37,4 billion
1 942cps
2023: 1 725cps
R3,1 billion
Group operating income*
2023: R3,1 billion
1 810cps
2023: 1 735cps
R724 million
Income from associates
2023: R697 million
Final dividend
2023: 671cps
1 034cps
Total dividend
2023: 991cps
* Before impairments and non-operational items

Providers of financial capital
- R1,6 billion paid in dividends (2023: R1,6 billion)
- 16,8% return on equity (2023: 15,7%)
- 21,3% return on net assets (2023: 21,7%)
- 15,3% return on invested capital* (2023: 14,7%)
- R5,5 billion cash generated from operations (2023: R2,7 billion)
* Invested capital adjusted to exclude re-instated goodwill on discontinued businesses
- R4,8 billion paid in salaries and benefits to 8 785 permanent employees (2023: R4,5 billion to 9 296 employees)
- R73,5 million invested in employee training and development (2023: R93 million)
- One work-related employee fatality (2023: one)
(retailers, wholesalers and general trade)
- 96% on-shelf availability (2023: 98%)
- 90% order-fill (2023: 91%)
- R28,8 million total socio-economic development spend (2023: R70 million)
- 14 million breakfasts served by The Tiger Brands Foundation, reaching 74 465 learners (2023: 14 million breakfasts)
- 48 innovation now includes renovation projects launched this year (2023: 31)
- 27,9% value share (2023: 29,4%)
- Expanded our reach in the booming South African informal sector, securing 91 000 general trade stores this year
- 22 awards
- R14,3 billion spent with B-BBEE-verified suppliers (2023: R18 billion)
- R5,4 billion spent with black-owned enterprises (2023: R7 billion)
- R4,7 billion spent with black women-owned enterprises (2023: R6 billion)