Annexure D


for the year ended 30 September 2021

The information noted below summarises all key assumptions, valuation inputs and key disclosures relating to the Tiger Brands share-based payment plans.



Executives and managers of the company and its subsidiaries are offered a weighted combination of:

  • Allocations of share appreciation rights; (last allocation to employees – 5 June 2019)
  • Conditional awards of full value performance shares
  • Grants of full value restricted shares.

The scheme is regarded as an equity-settled share-option scheme.

Share appreciation rights

Allocations of share appreciation rights (SARS) were made to qualifying executive management and other senior managers. SARS vest in three equal tranches on the third, fourth and fifth anniversaries of the date of allocation. The vesting of each tranche is subject to the achievement of performance conditions. The vesting of allocations prior to December 2018 is subject to the company’s HEPS performance, measured against CPI and the growth in GDP (real HEPS growth). For allocations made in December 2018 and thereafter, vesting is subject to real HEPS growth (weighted at 50%) and the performance of the company’s ROIC against its WACC (weighted at 50%). Vested SARS must be exercised on or before the sixth anniversary of the date of allocation. The last allocation of SARS was made in June 2019.

The following table illustrates the number and weighted average exercise prices (WAEP) of, and movements in share appreciation rights during the year.

  2021 2020
  Number WAEP
Number WAEP
Outstanding at the beginning of the year 1 748 957 305,5 2 364 138 304,4
Forfeited during the year (588 163) 332,0 (471 585) 322,0
Lapsed during the year (143 596) 237,5
Outstanding at the end of the year 1 160 794 292,1 1 748 957 305,5
Exercisable at the end of the year 15 889 360,6
Weighted average remaining contractual life (years)   2,8 years   3,5 years
Range of exercise prices outstanding at the end of the year (per option)   R218,9 – R385,3   R218,9 – R385,3

Options were valued using a modified Black-Schöles model taking into account the dividend cover, expected exercise pattern and volatility of the Tiger Brands share price.

The following inputs were used:

Date of grant Revised 
strike price 
of option due 
to the 
of Oceana 
strike price 
of option 
Market price 
of the 
stock at 
grant date 
of the stock 
over the 
life of the 
option (%)
cover (times)
09/02/2016 271,2 291,7 09/02/2021 302,9 25,5 3,0
31/03/2016 299,7 322,4 31/03/2021 325,2 25,7 3,0
24/05/2016 317,6 341,7 24/05/2021 337,0 25,7 2,9
07/12/2016 368,1 396,0 07/12/2021 386,8 25,8 2,9
05/09/2017 375,2 403,6 05/09/2022 380,0 24,9 2,8
11/12/2017 385,3 414,5 11/12/2023 425,0 24,7 2,8
06/12/2018 254,8 274,1 06/12/2023 271,0 27,1 3,0
02/01/2019 249,7 268,6 02/01/2024 264,1 27,0 3,0
05/06/2019 218,9 218,9 05/06/2024 217,6 27,3 3,3

Volatilities are based on the historical volatility of the Tiger Brands share price matching the remaining life of each option.

Performance shares

Annual awards of performance vesting shares (PVS) are made to executive management, senior management and middle management. PVS vest on the third anniversary of the date of award. Vesting is subject to the performance of the company’s HEPS, measured against CPI and the growth in GDP (50% weighting) and the performance of the company’s ROIC against its WACC (50% weighting).

The following table illustrates the number of, and movements in, performance shares during the year.

Outstanding at the beginning of the year 530 216
Granted during the year 503 792 560 920
Forfeited during the year (147 962) (30 704)
Outstanding at the end of the year 886 046 530 216
Weighted average remaining contractual life (years) 1,9 years 2,5 years

Options were valued using the Monte Carlo Simulation approach to estimate the price of the options that are subject to TSR market performance conditions using 50 000 simulations taking into account the dividend cover, expected exercise pattern and volatility of the Tiger Brands share price.

The following inputs were used:

Date of grant Expiry date Market 
price of the 
stock at  grant 
date (Rand)
volatility of 
the stock 
over the 
life of the 
option (%)
cover (times)
30/03/2020 30/03/2023 178,8 30,3 4,0
07/09/2020 07/09/2023 169,7 32,3 4,0
04/12/2020 04/12/2023 204,2 33,3 3,8
01/02/2021 01/02/2024 197,9 33,1 3,6
01/03/2021 01/03/2024 205,4 33,1 3,6

Volatilities are based on the historical volatility of the Tiger Brands share price matching the remaining life of each option.

Restricted shares

On an annual basis, subject to remuneration committee approval, senior management and key talent may receive a grant of restricted shares. On vesting, options may be settled in cash or shares on the third anniversary of the grant date.

The following table illustrates the number of, and movements in, restricted shares during the year.

Outstanding at the beginning of the year 432 903 156 593
Granted during the year 318 985 362 771
Forfeited during the year (90 807) (46 200)
Exercised during the year (69 671) (40 261)
Outstanding at the end of the year 591 410 432 903
Exercisable at the end of the year 1 400 12 500
Weighted average remaining contractual life (years) 1,8 years 1,8 years
Weighted average fair value of options granted (per option) 182,9 176,4

Options were valued using a modified Black-Schöles model taking into account the dividend cover, expected exercise pattern and volatility of the Tiger Brands share price.

The following inputs were used:

Date of grant Expiry date Market 
price of the 
stock at  grant 
date (Rand)
volatility of 
the stock 
over the 
life of the 
option (%)
cover (time)
31/03/2017 31/03/2020 325,2 27, 4 3,0
11/12/2017 07/12/2020 425,0 25,4 2,8
06/12/2018 06/12/2021 271,0 26,5 3,0
07/09/2020 07/09/2023 169,7 32,3 4,0
04/12/2020 04/12/2023 204,2 33,3 3,8
01/02/2021 01/02/2024 197,9 33,1 3,6
01/03/2021 01/03/2024 205,4 33,1 3,6
01/06/2021 01/06/2024 223,8 32,2 3,4
01/07/2021 01/07/2024 205,2 32,2 3,4


In terms of the BEE transaction implemented on 17 October 2005, 4 381 831 Tiger Brands shares were acquired by the Tiger Brands Black Managers Trust.

The allocation of vested rights entitles beneficiaries to receive Tiger Brands shares (after making capital contributions to the Black Managers Trust) at any time after the lock-in period. In respect of options allocated on or before 31 July 2010, the lock-in period ends on 31 December 2014. In respect of allocations made after 31 July 2010, the lock-in date will be the latter of 31 December 2014 or, in respect of one-third of the allocations, three years after the allocation, the next third, four years and the last third, five years after the allocation. These vested rights are non-transferable.

After the lock-in date, the beneficiaries may exercise their vested rights, in which event the beneficiary may:

  • Instruct trustees to sell all of their shares and distribute the proceeds to them, net of the funds required to pay the capital contributions, taxation (including employees’ tax), costs and expenses
  • Instruct the trustees to sell sufficient shares to fund the capital contributions, pay the taxation (including employee’s tax), costs and expenses
  • Distribute to them the remaining shares to which they are entitled
  • Fund the capital contributions, taxation (including employees’ tax) costs and expenses themselves and receive the shares to which they are entitled.

The expense recognised for employee services received during the year to 30 September 2021 is R6,3 million (2020: R13,8 million).

The following table illustrates the number of, and movements in, share participation rights during the year.

Outstanding at the beginning of the year 770 662 790 150
Granted during the year 62 000 61 720
Forfeited during the year (51 800) (38 268)
Shares sold (46 027) (42 940)
Outstanding at the end of the year 734 835 770 662
Exercisable at the end of the year 518 393 503 743
Weighted average remaining contractual life (years) 4,9 5,9
Weighted average fair value of options granted during the year (per option) R150,2 R130,5
Notional average exercise price (per option) R205,0 R189,6

Participation rights were valued using the Monte-Carlo simulation approach to estimate the average, optimal payoff of the participation rights using 10 000 permutations. The payoff of each random path was based on: the projected Tiger Brands share price, outstanding debt projections and optimal early exercise conditions.

Volatility is measured as the annualised standard deviation of the daily price changes in the underlying share under the assumption that the share price is log normally distributed. Historical daily share price data was used to estimate the expected volatility.

The following inputs were used:

Date of grant Initial strike 
price of 
price of the 
stock at 
grant date 
of the stock 
over the 
life of the 
yield of the 
stock over 
the remaining 
life of the 
31/01/2014 85,8 30/09/2027 266,0 25,3 3,8
31/07/2014 85,9 30/09/2027 308,8 25,3 3,8
31/01/2015 81,9 30/09/2027 394,2 25,3 3,8
31/07/2015 82,5 30/09/2027 284,9 25,3 3,8
31/01/2016 79,0 30/09/2027 291,0 25,3 3,8
31/07/2017 74,5 31/07/2023 399,5 24,1 3,8
31/01/2018 70,6 31/01/2024 461,0 24,6 2,9
31/07/2018 69,6 31/07/2024 350,0 26,0 3,2
31/01/2019 66,0 30/09/2024 276,2 26,4 3,1
31/07/2019 58,1 30/09/2024 222,9 26,5 2,8
31/07/2020 56,5 30/09/2024 176,3 29,6 5,2
31/08/2020 56,5 30/09/2024 172,4 29,3 5,2
31/01/2021 52,5 30/09/2024 199,3 29,1 4,0
31/07/2021 50,7 30/09/2024 193,0 29,2 2,5

The risk-free interest rate was obtained from constructed ZAR swap curves on the valuation dates using key inputs being South African money-market rates and swap rates as published by Bloomberg.



Black Managers Trust II

Over the period of the Tiger Brands Black Managers Trust No II (BMT II) 2 814 149 Tiger Brands shares were allocated to qualifying black managers. The lock-in period for the scheme expired on 31 December 2017. Immediately following this date, Tiger Brands exercised its rights in terms of a repurchase option, and repurchased 1 389 685 shares from the BMT II at a subscription price of 10 cents per share.

The remaining shares, 1 424 464, were distributed to the participating black managers, with 130 361 shares subject to a further retention period of three years which expired on 30 September 2020.

No expense was recognised during the year ended 30 September 2021 (2020: R6,2 million).