Supplement to the integrated annual report for the year ended 30 September 2023

Who we are

Tiger Brands is one of Africa’s largest listed manufacturers of fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG). Our core business is the manufacture, marketing and distribution of everyday branded food and beverages.

Our products are relevant across every meal occasion and are well-positioned to grow. The portfolio also includes leading brands in the home and personal care segments, supported by a growing presence in Africa.

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Our strategy is shaped by a deep understanding of the nature of our business, the perspectives of our stakeholders, and the changing dynamics in our operating context. Our sustainability strategy represents a framework of our most material sustainability concerns and reflects commitments aligned with the strategic objectives of our core growth strategy.

We have leading positions in most categories and our iconic brands are well-entrenched with consumers in South Africa, as illustrated by the percentage share of market.

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  • Two affordable nutrition products launched
    • KOO Pulses
    • Jungle Oats Muesli value pack
  • Four additional nutrition products launched:
    • Jungle Oats drinks
    • Jungle Corn Flakes
    • Jungle Bran Flakesc
    • Energade Boost
  • Re-formulation:
    • Re-formulated the current Jungle Crunchalots oat-based crispies into a healthier, high fibre multi-grain cereal
  • Driving improved consumer health awareness through our brands:
    • Jungle
    • Ace
    • Morvite
    • Albany
    • KOO
    • Energade
  • R75 million allocated to marketing healthier products and nutrition education, amounting to 11% of our total marketing spend (2022: R76 million at 10,2% of total marketing spend)
  • B-BBEE level 2
  • R104 million capitalised in the Dipuno ESD Fund (2022: R104 million)
  • R54,4 million disbursed through the Dipuno ESD Fund (2022: R54,4 million)
  • R18,3 billion spent with B-BBEE-verified suppliers (2022: R14,1 billion)
  • R6,9 billion spent with black-owned enterprises (2022: R6,6 billion)
  • R6,0 billion spent with black women-owned enterprises (2022: R5,1 billion)
  • R70,8 million total socio-economic development spend, including spend on Isondlo child nutrition programme (2022: R25,8 million)
  • 228 648 food hampers distributed to 78 275 beneficiaries across all food and nutrition initiatives (2022: 103 989 hampers to 58 048 beneficiaries)
  • 14 million breakfasts served by The Tiger Brands Foundation, reaching 74 109 learners (2022: 10 million breakfasts to 74 177 learners)
  • 0,6% reduction in total GHG emissions, 0,9% reduction in GHG emissions intensity
  • 0,3% reduction in absolute energy use, 0,9% reduction in electrical energy intensity
  • 4% reduction in absolute water use, 1,9% reduction in water intensity
  • 32,1% reduction in landfill waste intensity
  • One fatality (2022: three)
  • 0,25 LTIFR (2022: 0,45)
  • R3,1 billion paid in salaries and benefits to 9 296 permanent employees (2022: R4,3 billion to 9 356 employees)
  • R93 million invested in employee training and development (2022: R96,9 million)
  • 57,6% ACI representation at senior management, and 63,6% at top management (2022: 57,8% and 60% respectively)
  • 46% female representation at senior management, and 30% at top management (2022: 46% and 30% respectively)

Leadership reviews

  • SETCO’s welcome
  • CEO’s review

Emma Mashilwane

SETCO chairman

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As we adapt our strategy to evolve in-step with internal and external developments, we emphasise the pivotal roles of people, culture, and partnerships in achieving our sustainability and growth objectives. Our commitment to inclusion and diversity, employee engagement, talent development, and leadership aims to foster a values-driven, collaborative culture that nurtures entrepreneurial spirit.

Collaboration is central to our approach, evidenced by successful partnerships with industry bodies and NGOs focused on sustainability, and robust relationships with government agencies, regulatory bodies, unions and host communities.


Chief executive officer

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The sustainability strategy clearly outlines Tiger Brands' societal value proposition. Although there is room for further refinement, and progress to be made to fully integrate sustainability across the business, we are confident that the strategy provides a focused and well-anchored approach.

It aligns with the company's business model, addresses the most material sustainability issues of the business, and serves as a guiding framework for decision-making and action that supports alignment between financial and societal objectives.