(R’million) |
19 |
Raw materials |
2 136,8 |
1 962,8 |
Partially processed goods (WIP) |
63,4 |
68,3 |
Finished goods and merchandise |
3 456,8 |
3 074,2 |
Consumable stores and minor spares |
237,0 |
199,7 |
Other |
10,7 |
19,9 |
Inventory value, net of provisions |
5 904,7 |
5 324,9 |
Inventories carried at net realisable value included in total inventories |
209,7 |
16,6 |
Inventories written down and recognised in cost of sales as an expense |
163,0 |
105,5 |
Inventory provision deducted in arriving at total inventories net of provisions |
327,1 |
355,3 |
Inventories written down and recognised in cost of sales as an expense as a result of the product recall (refer to note 3.1) |
308,3 |
Inventories written down and recognised in cost of sales as an expense as a result of the civil unrest (refer to note 3.2) |
85,2 |