Share-based payment


The total expense recognised for employee services received during the year ended 30 September 2021 is R41,3 million (2020: R66,1 million). Of the total expense recognised, the portion arising from the share appreciation rights, performance shares and restricted shares option transactions amounted to a credit of R21,1 million resulting from forfeitures, R27,5 million expense and R24,8 million expense (2020: R9,4 million expense, R16,0 million expense and R24,0 million expense) respectively. The remaining expense relates to the cost associated with the BMT 1 scheme of R6,3 million (2020: R13,8 million) and cash-settled share-based payments of R3,8 million (2020: R3,3 million income). No expense was raised for BMT 2 in the current year as the scheme was wound up in the 2020 financial period (2020: R6,2 million).

Detailed disclosure of each scheme and the respective assumptions and valuation inputs have been included in Annexure D.